Press Release Regarding the Attacks in the Province of Balochistan of Pakistan

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 23.10.2015

No: 280, 23 October 2015

We have learnt with sorrow that as a result of a bomb attack carried out in the night of 19 September against a bus terminal in Quetta, the capital city of the Balochistan Province of Pakistan and a suicide attack on 22 October against a place of worship in Bolan located in the same Province, at least 22 people lost their lives including women and children, and more than 60 people were injured.

We convey our condolences in the first place to the families of those who lost their lives and to the people and Government of brotherly Pakistan, and hope for a speedy recovery to the wounded.

We condemn these heinous acts aiming at the peace and stability of Pakistan and reiterate that we will maintain our support to friendly and brotherly Pakistan in its fight against terrorism.