Press Release Regarding the Return of the SDSM Deputies, Macedonia's main opposition party, and the Deputies of the Parties Involved in the SDSM Election Block to the Parliament

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.09.2015

No: 244, 3 September 2015

We welcome the return of the opposition deputies as of 1 September 2015 to the Parliament in Macedonia, who did not participate in the parliamentary proceedings since the general elections held in April 2014, within the framework of the agreement reached last June and July through the facilitation of the international community led by the EU.

The effective functioning of the Parliament, which is one of the main institutions representing democracy, together with its ruling and opposition parties, and the use of this institution as a platform where proposals, views and opinions on political, economic, social, cultural and all other areas are freely discussed and solutions are produced for the benefit of the society, will naturally play an important role in the resolution of problems faced by the friendly and brotherly Republic of Macedonia.

We hope that the presently ongoing efforts in Macedonia, which seek to solve the problems through reconciliation, and the preparatory process until the general elections to be held in April 2016 will contribute to the peace, tranquility and prosperity of this friendly country and our entire region.