Press Release Regarding Operations Conducted Against PKK Terrorist Organization

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 01.08.2015

No: 222, 1 August 2015

News reports about civilian casualties - in addition to PKK losses - during the air operation on the Zergele Camp, which the PKK terrorist organization uses for logistic and coordination purposes, have been received with sorrow and an investigation has been initiated about the allegations put forward in these press reports.

During air operations, which are conducted with the highest of standards, all targets are chosen in areas where, based on actionable intelligence, it is concluded with certainty that there are no civilians; and every effort is always assiduously exerted to ensure there are no civilian casualties.

It is known that there are no civilians at the Zergele terrorist Camp in question, also that high level PKK members were present there during the operation.

On the other hand, it is unfortunately a fact that the terrorist organization uses civilians as human shields.

In any event, all the allegations that have been brought forward will be investigated fully and a joint study will also be meticulously conducted with the authorities of the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Administration on this matter.

The findings that will be attained as a result of these probes will be shared with the public as soon as possible.