Press Release Regarding the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation Signed by All Parties in Mali

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 22.06.2015

No: 181, 22 June 2015

We welcome the signature of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, which was signed earlier by the Government of Mali and some of the coalition of armed groups in Bamako on 15 May, this time by all parties on 20 June 2015. We congratulate once again all sides, particularly the Government of Mali as well as Algeria and other regional and international facilitators who contributed to this achievement.

This development bears importance for the preservation of integrity and national sovereignty of Mali and imposes significant responsibilities on the parties in respect of challenges facing Mali.

The full implementation of the provisions of the Agreement will certainly stimulate the efforts for the development and prosperity in the country.

Turkey will continue to provide all possible assistance to friendly and brotherly Mali and support the international initiatives to this end.