Press Release Regarding the Resolution Adopted by the Brazilian Senate on 2 June 2015 on the Events of 1915

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 08.06.2015

No: 171, 8 June 2015

We condemn the Resolution of the Brazilian Senate on the events of 1915, which distorts the historical truths and ignores the law, and consider it as an example of irresponsibility.

Political decisions of this nature, taken under the influence of the Armenian lobbies can neither change the historical facts nor the legal norms.

In this context, our views have been conveyed to the Ambassador of Brazil in Ankara who was summoned to the Ministry on 3 June 2015.

Turkish Ambassador in Brasilia, Mr. Hüseyin Diriöz has also been recalled to Ankara for consultations.