Press Release Regarding Africa Day

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 22.05.2015

No: 161, 22 May 2015

The anniversary of the foundation of the African Union is celebrated as Africa Day in Turkey as it is all around the world on May 25. On this occasion, various events are organized in our country especially in the last decade when our African policy has gained a new momentum.

On the occasion of the 52nd Commemoration of Africa Day that will be celebrated this year, a panel on "Investment Opportunities and Cooperation Possibilities for Turkey in Africa" will be organized in Ankara on 25 May 2015. Panelists from Africa and Turkey will attend the event to be hosted by the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK).

The panel is expected to be a venue to share with the public, especially with the Turkish business world the facilities and opportunities offered by the African continent, one of the rising actors of international relations with its economic potential, rich human and natural resources.

Turkey is determined to enhance its cooperation with African countries pursuant to the Declaration and the Joint Implementation Plan adopted at the Second Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit held in Malabo last November. In this context, Turkey will maintain its close cooperation with its strategic partner, the African Union.

Moreover, Turkey, will continue to share its development experiences as well as its social, political and cultural heritage with African countries on the basis of mutual benefit.