Press Release Regarding the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation Signed between the Government of Mali and the Plateforme Coalition of Armed Groups

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 18.05.2015

No: 158, 18 May 2015

We welcome the signature of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation by the Government of Mali and some of the Plateforme Coalition of armed groups in Bamako on 15 May as a result of intensive negotiations and congratulate all parties, particularly the Government of Mali. We express our appreciation to all sides who contributed to this achievement. It is imperative for all parties to urgently implement the provisions of the Agreement-which is a milestone towards establishing lasting peace and stability and refrain from violence.

Furthermore, we call on all members of the Plateforme Coalition of armed groups to sign the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, as initialed by some of its members on 1 March 2015 and subsequently by the remaining ones on 14 May 2015, without delay. We will continue to support international efforts to that end.

As underlined by our President during the official visit of H.E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita President of Mali to Turkey on February 2015, we attach utmost importance to ensuring lasting peace and political stability in Mali as well as preservation of its territorial integrity and national sovereignty.

Turkey will continue to be in solidarity with friendly and brotherly people of Mali during this significant process and maintain its enduring support to Mali through its bilateral relations and in multilateral fora.