Press Release Regarding the Second Round of the Presidential Elections Held in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on 26th April

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 27.04.2015

No: 136, 27 April 2015

We welcome the fact that the second round of the Presidential elections that took place in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus yesterday (April 26) was realized with significant democratic maturity.

We would like to extend our wishes for success to H.E. President Mr. Mustafa Akıncı, who has been elected as the Fourth President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, on this honorable mission he has undertaken. We also would like to congratulate H.E. President Mr. Eroğlu for the leadership he displayed during his tenure and for the resolute and constructive attitude he took during the negotiations conducted within the framework of the Good Offices Mission of the UN Secretary-General.

It is our sincere hope that, during the tenure of Presidency of H.E. Mr. Akıncı, the Greek Cypriot side would also respond in a sincere and well-intentioned manner to the will of the Turkish Cypriot People towards reaching a settlement, that has so far been displayed on a various number of occasions, and thus, a just, comprehensive and viable solution to the Cyprus issue would be found, which has been lasting for over half a century.

Turkey, as a Motherland and Guarantor, will resolutely continue to fulfill her duties and obligations arising from international agreements as has been the case until now and to stand by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as well as her President.