Press Release Regarding the Election of Ambassador Haydar Berk as the Director to the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC)

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 23.04.2015

No: 127, 23 April 2015

RACVIAC-Centre for Security Cooperation has been in service in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, since 2000 in order to provide training support to the countries of Southeastern Europe in the implementation of the Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMs) and to prepare the regional countries for participation in multilateral arms control agreements which they could sign in the future.

Turkey, together with Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Romania and Bosnia-Herzegovina are the member countries.

Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, Norway and the Russian Federation participate in the activities of the Centre as the Associate Members, whereas Ukraine and the USA are observers.

Ambassador Haydar Berk was elected as the Director of the Centre for Security Cooperation on 22 April 2015 unanimously by the member countries. Ambassador Berk will take his office in October 2015.

Turkey will continue to actively contribute to the efforts and activities of the Centre for Security Cooperation in line with the importance Turkey attaches to providing security and stability in Southeastern Europe.