Press Release Regarding the Agreement on the Nuclear Program of Iran

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.04.2015

No: 102, 3 April 2015

We are very pleased that the negotiations held between P5+1 and Iran in Lausanne on Iran’s nuclear programme have culminated in a political understanding on the general framework of a final agreement. We congratulate the parties for their reasonable, flexible and constructive approach during this difficult negotiation process.

Turkey views diplomacy as the only option for the solution of the problem related to Iran’s nuclear programme. Turkey has actively supported the processes for a peaceful solution through dialogue and has contributed to them including through finalising of the Tehran Joint Declaration in 2010.

We express our hope that the ongoing negotiations between P5+1 and Iran will result in a comprehensive agreement that will satisfy all parties concerned and will contribute to the peace, stability and security of the region. We stand ready to continue to render our active support to this process.