Press Release Regarding the Latest Developments in Yemen

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.03.2015

No: 94, 26 March 2015

We strongly condemn the continuation of the unilateral actions by the Houthi movement militias who have refused to withdraw from Sana and Government institutions by rejecting the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2201, besides all agreements concluded in Yemen and also the military operation they launched to capture Aden where legitimate President Hadi has taken refuge and declared as the temporary capital.

As a result of these developments, the political transition process that began under the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative in 2011 has been derailed and the achievements of this process has been reversed.

It is obvious that this situation would aggravate the grave humanitarian and economic problems that confront the Yemeni people, created a ground to be exploited by terrorist groups and poses a serious threat to the international peace, stability and security.

We support the military operation launched by a coalition force consisting of the countries in the region, led by the countries of Gulf Cooperation Council against the Houthi movement upon the request of the legitimately elected President Hadi, about which Saudi Arabia informed Turkey in advance. We believe that this operation will contribute to the prevention of the threat of civil war and chaos that emerged and to the restoration of the legitimate state authority. We call upon the Houthi movement and its foreign supporters to give up on their acts threatening the peace and security in Yemen and the region.