Press Release Regarding the Peshmerga Killed by the DEASH

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 23.03.2015

No: 90, 23 March 2015

We felt great indignation for the vicious murder of three members of the KRG Peshmerga forces, who were held hostage by the DEASH terrorist organization. We condemn and strongly denounce this atrocity.

We wish God’s mercy upon those Peshmerga members who lost their lives, convey our condolences to their relatives and share the pain of the brotherly people of the KRG.

On this occasion, Turkey reiterates once again that it stands in solidarity with Iraq and the KRG in their fight against the DEASH terrorist organization and will continue to provide every kind of support in this direction.