Press Release Regarding the Participation of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Naci Koru in the 28th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 28.02.2015

No: 78, 28 February 2015

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Naci Koru will pay a visit to Geneva in order to participate in the High Level Segment of the 28th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to be held on 2-27 March 2015. Ambassador Koru will address the Human Rights Council on 2 March 2015.

During the High Level Segment of the Human Rights Council, which is held every year, issues on the international agenda are discussed and the work of the Human Rights Council in the previous year is reviewed. High-level dignitaries from around 90 UN member countries are expected to participate in this year’s meeting.

Within the framework of the above-mentioned visit, Deputy Minister Mr. Koru will inaugurate the exhibition entitled "Safe Harbor Turkey" at the UN Office in Geneva; and will also participate in and address the high-level meeting of the Disarmament Conference, which will be held simultaneously with the UN Human Rights Council High-Level Segment.