Press Release Regarding the Attack Perpetrated on the Route of Turkish Embassy Vehicle in Kabul

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.02.2015

No: 75, 26 February 2015

As a result of explosion of a bomb loaded car on the route of two official vehicles belonging to the Turkish Embassy in Kabul this morning, a Turkish Infantry Warrant Sergeant, responsible for the security of Ambassador İsmail Aramaz, NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, was killed and another has been injured. The injured Infantry Warrant Sergeant has been transferred to the Bagram Air Base by a NATO helicopter for treatment.

We strongly condemn this heinous attack. We wish God’s mercy on our fallen soldier, extend our condolences to his bereaved family and Turkish people, and hope for a speedy recovery to our injured Infantry Warrant Sergeant.

We do appreciate the interest and solidarity that Afghan authorities have shown in the aftermath of the attack, and we expect that those responsible to be apprehended and brought to justice as soon as possible.