Press Release Regarding the Declaration Concerning the Ongoing Dialogue Process between the Malian Government and the Armed Groups in Mali

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.02.2015

No: 72, 25 February 2015

Turkey strongly supports the maintenance of peace and political stability in Mali and the protection of its territorial integrity and national sovereignty, as it was emphasized by our President during the recent offical visit of President of Mali H.E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita to Turkey.

In this context, we welcome -as a demonstration of goodwill - the Declaration of 19 February 2015 signed between the Government of Mali and the armed opposition groups calling for ending all kinds of violence and provocative actions through implementation of confidence-building measures.

We believe that by virtue of this agreement, the ongoing peace talks in Algeria will gain momentum with a view to reaching an outcome. We reiterate our call to the parties to continue talks in good faith with the aim of achieving a settlement.

Turkey will continue to provide necessary support to friendly and brotherly Mali in all fora.