Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks Perpetrated in the Libyan City of Qubbah

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 20.02.2015

No: 69, 20 February 2015

We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks perpetrated in the Libyan city of Qubbah today, (20 February) and resulted in the death and injury of many people.

We wish God’s mercy upon those who lost their lives in these heinous attacks, and patience and fortitude to their families. We wish speedy recovery for the wounded. We also convey our condolences to the brotherly people of Libya.

We are deeply concerned with the increasing number of terrorist acts in Libya in the last period. It is all the more important to achieve national reconciliation as soon as possible, to form a national unity government and to re-establish the state authority throughout the country to prevent Libya from becoming a new sanctuary for terrorism in the region.

We call on all parties in Libya to actively engage in the political dialogue process under the UN auspices and take prompt action with devotion and determination on the way to stability and security in the country.