Press Release Regarding the Temporary Suspension of the Activities of the Turkish Embassy in Sanaa

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 16.02.2015

No: 58, 16 February 2015

The government crisis that occurred in Yemen and the related instability, demonstrations and the conflicts between the opposing forces have led to a serious security vulnerability in the country.

Upon these developments, the Ministry’s Notice on 14 February 2015 recommended to Turkish citizens to cancel their travels to Yemen and strongly recommended to those in Yemen to leave the country and urged those who were in need of assistance in this regard to contact our Embassy.

Following the completion of necessary arrangements for our citizens in Yemen, the Turkish Embassy in Sanaa temporarily suspended its activities. Our Embassy will resume its activities once the desired security and public order are ensured throughout the country particularly in the capital Sanaa and the legitimate State authority is established based on national dialogue and reconciliation. Our solidarity with the people of Yemen, with whom we enjoy historical ties of brotherhood, and our support to the establishment of peace, security and stability in Yemen will continue.