Press Release Regarding the Election of Dr. Fatih Birol to the Position of Executive Director of International Energy Agency (IEA)

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 12.02.2015

No: 55, 12 February 2015

Dr. Fatih Birol has been elected by consensus of all 29 member states to the position of Executive Director of International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s leading organization in the field of energy, located in Paris. Dr. Birol has been the first Executive Director in the history of IEA who has been elected with the support of all member states.

Dr. Birol who has been working at the IEA since 1995, has been running the position of the Chief Economist of IEA for the last 9 years. Dr. Birol who is responsible for the preparation of the “World Energy Outlook”, a publication regarded as the most reliable and guiding resource in the field of energy with its analysis and foresight regarding the global energy markets, has won many international awards and distinctions for his studies.

Dr. Birol’s election to the IEA Executive Director with the strong support of all member countries not only points out to his experience and knowledge but also to Turkey’s important role in the global and regional energy scene. Turkey will continue to contribute actively to the work and activities of the IEA as Dr. Birol assumes the position of Agency’s Executive Director.