Press Release Regarding Israel’s Illegal Settlement Activities

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.02.2015

No: 54, 10 February 2015

Israel continues to undermine the ground for a just, lasting and comprehensive solution in the region by its illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Israel’s latest plans to expand 4 illegal settlements in the West Bank, its decision to construct 64 new housing units in an illegal settlement in East Jerusalem, and its publishing of tenders for 580 housing units on a confiscated land in East Jerusalem, constitute new examples of its attitude in total disregard of the international law. This development that came just after the call of the Middle East Quartet for the resumption of peace negotiations is also noteworthy in terms of demonstrating the insensitivity of Israel towards the calls for peace by the international community.

We condemn the activities of Israel that adversely affect the stability of the region and undermine the prospect for two state peace vision and expect immediate termination of its illegal actions that are null and void under the international law.