Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks in Nigeria-Cameroon Border

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 06.02.2015

No: 51, 06 February 2015

We have learned with great sorrow and indignation that the Boko Haram militants attacked mosques in Cameroonian town of Fotokol, on the border with Nigeria, the previous day and killed approximately 100 people waiting for morning prayers.

We strongly condemn the acts of terror which have increased recently in Nigeria and its neighboring countries,causing the death of numerous people and aiming at damaging the political and social stability in the region.

We convey our condolences to the friendly and brotherly State and people of Cameroon. We wish God's mercy upon thosewho lost their lives, wish patience to their relatives and a speedy recovery to the wounded.

Turkey supports the decision taken by the countries in the region to fight against the Boko Haram terrorist organization, which is becoming a regional problem day by day,with a joint military force. Turkey believes that the nations in the region willovercome terrorism in unity and solidarity with each other,and wish that thisspiral of violence will be ended as soon as possible.