Press Release Regarding the Political Developments in Yemen

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 07.02.2015

No: 53, 07 February 2015

We are deeply concerned with the seizure of the government in Yemen by Huthi Movement through the unilaterally formed "revolutionary council" at a time when negotiations were being carried on to overcome the government crisis in the country with the mediation of the United Nations Secretary General's Special Adviser on Yemen. We call on all parties, particularly the Huthi Movement which declared its de facto takeover of the power in the country to act with common sense, restraint and responsibility at this critical stage in upholding the salvation of the country.

Especially, it is of utmost importance that all segments of the society refrain from acts of violence which will endanger the internal peace, unity and integrity of the country.

In the process to follow, all parties will be expected to continue the quest for national dialogue and reconciliation with an inclusive and participatory approach and exert all efforts to adopt the new constitution as well as to form a legitimate parliament through a referendum and fair elections which should be held without delay.

Turkey is ready to give all necessary support to brotherly Yemeni people with whom it stands in exemplarysolidarityin order that they overcome this difficult period in peace, unity and integrity.