Press Release Regarding the Arrest of Mr. Çiygöz, Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Tatar National Assembly

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 30.01.2015

No: 41, 30 January 2015

We condemn first the detention and the subsequent arrest of Mr. Ahtem Çiygöz, Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Tatar National Assembly, by the authorities, who have effective control of Crimea, on 29 January 2015. We consider this act as a new manifestation of practices of suppression and intimidation targeting the Crimean Tatar National Assembly, legitimate representative body of the Crimean Tatars. We underline that such illegitimate acts will not serve to the interest of anyone. We expect explicitly that the democratic and human rights of our Crimean Tatar kinsmen will be respected and that Mr. Çiygöz will be released as soon as possible.

As we have emphasized on several occasions previously, Turkey will continue to defend on every platform the rights of our Crimean Tatar kinsmen, who always expressed their opinions through democratic means and closely watch their situations.