Press Release Concerning the Incidents in Egypt on the Anniversary of the Tahrir Revolution

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.01.2015

No: 32, 26 January 2015

We have been deeply saddened that many Egyptian brothers have lost their lives and numerous people have been injured or detained due to the disproportioned use of force by the security forces, during the peaceful demonstrations held throughout Egypt on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of January 25 Tahrir Revolution that was started by the brotherly people of Egypt voicing their legitimate demands. We wish God’s mercy upon those brethren who lost their lives and speedy recovery to the wounded.

This attitude of the regime is the latest example of its efforts to oppress dissenting or different people from any segment of the society that it perceives as a threat to itself, and to intimidate them through persecutions without discriminating their ideologies or opinions.

We strongly condemn this attitude, cracking down on the most fundamental human rights and freedoms.

As we express at every opportunity, it is not possible for the Egyptian administration to provide stability and security to the brotherly Egyptian people with this exclusionist and heavy-handed approach.

We hope that the international community will recognize this fact before new tragedies are experienced and more blood is shed in Egypt.

Turkey will stand by the Egyptian brothers in their fight for establishing an inclusive and real democracy in their country.