Press Release Regarding the Missile Attacks in Mariupol in Ukraine

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.01.2015

No: 30, 25 January 2015

We had already pointed out our concern due to the recently intensifiedclashes and the increasing loss of civilian lives in Eastern Ukraine. Following the two attacks in the last ten days which resulted in the death of twenty six civilians, we are deeply saddened by the death of more than thirty people and injury of many others in missile attacks which targeted civilian residential areas in Mariupol on 24 January 2015. We strongly condemn these indiscriminate attacks, convey our condolences to all Ukrainian people and wish speedy recovery for the wounded.

These missile attacks targeting civilians indicate that the calls made by Turkey and the international community for the compliance with the Minsk ceasefire agreements are disregarded. Turkey invites all parties once again for a sincere and constructive dialogue within the framework of the Minsk agreements in order to find, on the basis of international law, a political solution to the crisis which is also a threat to the regional security and stability. Moreover, we reiterate that we will continue to support the initiatives to secure the ceasefire as a basis for a lasting peace and to prevent the recurrence of such attacks.