Press Release Regarding the Crisis in Ukraine

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 23.01.2015

No: 27, 23 January 2015

We observe with concern that the clashes in the East of Ukraine have been escalating recently and the attacks particularly against the civilians have increased. We feel deep sorrow for 13 civilians who lost their lives in the attack against a bus station in Donetsk yesterday (22 January) following the attack against a bus that resulted in the death of 13 civilians on 13 January 2015. We strongly condemn these attacks and convey our condolences to the people of Ukraine.

The civilian loss of lives which has further increased recently demonstrates yet again the importance of full compliance with the Minsk Agreements of September 2014. We call on all parties to implement the Minsk Agreements with its letter and spirit, and we reiterate that we will continue to support the ongoing initiatives to resolve the dispute through peaceful methods.