Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attack Against "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine in Paris

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 07.01.2015

No: 8, 7 January 2015

We strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attack perpetrated today in Paris against the "Charlie Hebdo" satirical magazine and resulted in the death of 12 and the injury of 20 innocent persons.

The attack has demonstrated once again the savage character of those who have adopted violence as a means to preserve and disseminate their views and notions.

This attack is above all an aggression against humanity and its universal values. The perpetrators of this attack have grossly betrayed the civilization that they claim to belong. İt is obvious that this vicious attack will serve no other purpose than providing ground to islamophobic, racist and xenophobic circles.

Terror has no religion, nationality or any value that it can represent. Terrorism is a crime against humanity and cannot be justified under any circumstances.

It is the duty of all humanity to prevent the expansion and deepening of the culture of violence, to consider in the most serious manner how to eliminate it from daily life and to determine and implement the necessary measures for this purpose. No delay should be allowed in this task. Otherwise, the notion of universal tolerance which offers the cure for the ever expanding culture of confrontation in today's world will be further eroded. Undoubtedly, this has been one of the aims of the perpetrators of this heinous attack in Paris.

We convey our condolences to the friendly French nation with whom we stand in solidarity in this difficult time that they pass through. We wish strength and fortitude to those who lost their relatives and speedy recovery to those injured.