Press Release Regarding the Presidential Elections in Tunisia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 22.12.2014

No: 402, 22 December 2014

We welcome the completion of the presidential elections in Tunisia after two rounds of voting held in accordance with democratic standards. We congratulate the people of Tunisia who went to the polls with the spirit of democratic maturity as they did during the parliamentary elections.

The manifestation of the will of Tunisian people once again through free and fair elections is an exemplary development for the entire region, paving the way for Tunisia towards a secure stable and prosperous future. Moreover, the monitoring of the elections by international observation missions has also been a positive feature.

We have full confidence that the democratic transition process will be successfully concluded in Tunisia with the formation of the government following the presidential elections.

Turkey will continue to enhance its cooperation with friendly and brotherly Tunisia in every field.