Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attack in Yemen

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 16.12.2014

No: 396, 16 December 2014

We strongly condemn the terrorist attack which was perpetrated today in the city ofalBayda, Yemen,andclaimed manylives. We wish God’s mercy on those who lost their lives, convey our condolences to their relatives and the brotherly people ofYemen.

We observe recently an increase in terrorist attacksinYemen. We believe it is imperative to fight against these terrorist attacks in acomprehensive manner.

We attach great importance to thepeace, security and stability of Yemen. Ensuringthecontrolof thelegitimatestate authoritythroughoutthe country,theestablishmentof public order as well as the necessarysupportof the international communitytowardstheseobjectivesareessential.