Press Release Regarding the Formation of New Government in Kosovo

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 09.12.2014

No: 384, 09 December 2014

We welcome the election of the Speaker of Parliament in Kosovo at the parliamentary session on 8 December 2014, and the formation of the new government which received vote of confidence on 9 December 2014 as a result of the agreement reached between the Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK) and the Kosovo Democratic League (LDK), standing out as the first and the second parties respectively at the elections held on 8 June 2014. We wish every success to the new government.

We believe that the newly established government in Kosovo will not only bring into life projects for the prosperity and well-being of the Kosovar people, but will also continue contributing to regional normalization efforts. In this context, we attach importance to the Prishtina-Belgrade Dialogue Process in particular, and to the continuation of other endeavors towards the resolution of the problems in the region through dialogue.

We wish that the new Kosovo Government also accelerate its efforts towards integration of the country with European institutions.

Turkey believes that the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and democratic structure of the Republic of Kosovo is essential for sustainability of regional peace and stability. In this regard, we also welcome the inclusion of the representatives of the Kosovo Turkish Community in the newly established government.

Turkey will continue to stand by the friendly and brotherly Kosovar people and to provide support to Kosovo in every field.