Press Release Regarding the Formation of new Government in Yemen

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 08.11.2014

No: 347, 8 November 2024

We welcome the formation in Yemen of a new government headed by Prime Minister Khaled Bahah by the decree of President Mansur Hadi announced on 7 November 2014.

We call on all sides in Yemen to give full support to the President and the new government in order to ensure the control of the legitimate state authority throughout the country and to establish the environment of peace, stability and security.

In this regard it is important that all segments abide by the Peace and National Partnership Agreement signed on 21 September 2014 for the completion of political transition process by implementing the outcomes of the National Dialog Conference within the GCC initiative.

In line with its historical solidarity with the people of Yemen, Turkey stands ready to cooperate with the new Yemeni government in every way so that the country overcomes its present problems in unity and integrity.