Press Release Regarding the latest Developments in Libya

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 07.11.2014

No: 344, 7 November 2014

Turkey follows the developments in Libya closely and attaches great importance to Libya's independence, political unity, territorial integrity as well as to its peace, stability and security.

We are aware that, after the revolution, Libya is in a painful transition process with ups and downs on the way towards its goal of constitutional democracy. We sincerely believe that our Libyan brothers will act with the understanding that the establishment of a constitutional democracy with all its institutions and rules requires patience, perseverance, tolerance and determination and that the national reconciliation through national dialogue is the only way out to ensure the well-being of the country.

We are of the opinion that the important ruling of the Supreme Court of Libya issued on 6 November 2014 concerning the House of Representatives should be assessed in this context.

Turkey will continue to stand by the brotherly people of Libya, to keep the dialogue channels open with all sides and to support all efforts to ensure national reconciliation under the UN auspices.