Press Release Regarding the Visit of Special Representative Mr. Emrullah İşler to Libya

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.11.2014

No: 337, 03 November 2011

Mr. Emrullah İşler, Member of Parliament from Justice and Development Party pays a visit to Al Bayda, Libya on 3 November 2014, in the capacity of Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Government as a continuation of his contacts held in Libya on 20-21 October 2014.

Mr. İşler will exchange views with Prime Minister of the Government of House of Representatives and Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as local authorities in Al Bayda where he was not able to visit previously due to some technical reasons.

On the occasion of these visits realized with the understanding to keep the dialogue channels open with all parties in Libya, Turkey aims to contribute to the efforts of ceasefire, dialogue and reconciliation.