Press Release Regarding the Visit of Special Representative Mr. Emrullah İşler to Libya

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 20.10.2014

No: 325, 20 October 2014

Mr. Emrullah İşler, Member of Parliament from Justice and Development Party, pays a visit to Libya on 20-21 October 2014, in the capacity of Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Government.

During his talks in Libya, Mr. İşler will share Turkey’s views to ensure peace and stability in Libya by bringing an end to the existing climate of conflict in the country and discuss Turkey’s possible support to Libya.

The above mentioned visit, paid at a time when Libya is in urgent need of political stability and support of friendly countries, will also provide an opportunity to emphasize Turkey’s solidarity with the brotherly people of Libya.