Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks in Iraq

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.10.2014

No: 323, 17 October 2014

We are deeply saddened by the death of several Iraqi citizens including Ahmed Al Khafaji, Member of Parliament from Basra, and injury of many others as a result of terrorist attacks perpetrated within the last week in Iraq, especially in and around Baghdad.

Turkey strongly condemns these terrorist attacks; wishes God’s mercy upon all who lost their lives in the attacks and speedy recovery to the wounded; extends patience and fortitude to their families, Iraqi people and Government. We also convey our sincere condolences to the Council of Representatives which has lost one of its valuable members.

These attacks aim at creating a new spiral of violence and obstructing the joint struggle of all parties against terrorism by increasing tension among different segments of brotherly people of Iraq. We call upon all our Iraqi brothers to act with prudence in the face of these attacks and frustrate the expectations of terrorist organizations.

Turkey will resolutely continue to support the Iraqi Government in taking steps for establishing stability, peace and reconciliation by embracing its people with all segments.