Press Release Regarding the Appointments to Vacant Ministries in Iraqi Government

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.10.2014

No: 324, 19 October 2014

We welcome the appointments on 18 October, to the Defense, Interior and other vacant ministries in Iraqi Government, which was formed under the leadership of Prime Minister Abadi on 8 September, after the voting in the Council of Representatives of Iraq. We also welcome that Kurdish Ministers were sworn in and assumed their duties.

We have emphasized since the very beginning that a new inclusive political beginning is necessary for the settlement of problems in Iraq.

With this significant development, an important phase of this process has been completed. The latest appointments will help the new Government to take the necessary steps for overcoming the threat of terrorism facing Iraq because of the ISIS attacks as well as for redressing the conditions which have laid the ground for its emergence and recruitment of support.

The appointments to the Ministries of Defense and Interior that bear direct responsibility in the fight against the current threat of terrorism and security are of vital importance in terms of restructuring the Iraqi Security Forces in such a way that will help them to be embraced and supported by all Iraqi people.

Turkey will continue to stand by the Government and people of Iraq in their struggle against the threat of terrorism and to establish security.