Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tanju Bilgiç in response to a Question on the Statement of Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, regarding the Greek Cypriot Administration’s Suspension of Negotiations

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.10.2014

QA 34: 14 October 2014

The statement made by Mr. HermanVan Rompuy, President of the EUCouncil, following the Greek Cypriot side’s decision to suspend the negotiations carried out under the UN auspices in Cyprus, revealed once again that the European Union persists in not understanding the Cyprus issue and in this context, the situation related with the dispute arising from the unilateralinitiatives of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCA) with respect to the hydrocarbon resources in the Eastern Mediterranean and the reasons behind it.

This alsodemonstrates the difficultyof the European Union to contribute to the efforts for a comprehensive settlement as it integrated the GCA by its own mistake without any settlement.

We consider that the European Union shouldextricate itself from this dilemma and adopt abalanced and more realisticattitudewhich willdirect the Greek Cypriot side towards the settlement of the issue, albeit belatedly.

The European Union will be able to contribute, only as such, to transform the Eastern Mediterranean into a region of welfare and cooperation.