Press Release Regarding Drilling Activity of the Greek Cypriots

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 04.10.2014

No: 311, 04 October 2014

Turkey follows with concern the Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) continuing unilateral research activities of hydrocarbon resources in its so called Exclusive Economic Zone without taking into account the Turkish Cypriots’ detailed and concrete cooperation proposals for a fair sharing. Turkey supports the remarks made in the press release issued on 3 October 2014 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) upon the initiation of a new drilling activity by the GCA in the block area called 9.

The common objective and priority of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side is to reach a just and lasting negotiated settlement to the Cyprus issue, which has been lasting more than 50 years, based on the inherent constitutive power of the two peoples, their political equality and co-ownership of the Island. As a guarantor, Turkey is determined to maintain its constructive support, as has been the case up till now. Turkey, however, expects the GCA to refrain from acting as if it is the sole owner of the resources of the Island, to halt its unilateral research activities and to adopt an understanding with a view to establishing a new partnership. We also hope that this irresponsible attitude of the GCA will not have repercussions on the comprehensive negotiation process, which has resumed on the basis of the joint statement made on 11 February 2014 and which we expect to have positive results soon. We hope that the objective of securing a more prosperous future for both sides through the water that will be transported to the TRNC by the end of the year, the natural resources of the Island and other opportunities that will come up after the settlement is being shared by all parties. Nevertheless, as it was stated repeatedly, if the priority of the GCA is to act unilaterally over the natural resources, this will never be accepted.

Turkey calls on the international community to act in order to prevent the provocative and unilateral steps of the GCA. Until it is done, all kind of support to the TRNC’s future steps of conducting seismic research activities, acquiring a drilling platform and dispatching it to an area to be determined, which are necessary to protect its inherent rights over these resources, will be provided by us.