Press Release Regarding the Treatment of Injured Gazans in Turkey

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.09.2014

No: 305, 26 September 2014

While Turkey contributes to the efforts for ending the latest Israeli attacks against Gaza and for the establishment of a sustainable cease-fire in the region, it also continues to provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

In this context, the number of wounded Gazans brought to Turkey for treatment has reached 123, including the latest group brought on 23 September 2014. Accompanied by their relatives, wounded Gazans brought to Turkey since 11 August 2014 have received treatment in hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health in various cities. A total of 41 Palestinians whose treatment has been completed have returned to Gaza along with their accompanying family members.

Turkey, in a spirit of solidarity with Palestine, will continue to provide the necessary assistance to our Palestinian brothers and sisters who live under difficult conditions in Gaza.