Press Release Regarding the Result of the Scottish Independence Referendum Held on 18 September 2014

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.09.2014

No: 300, 19 September 2014

It has been announced that %55 of the Scottish people have voted for the union, whereas %45 voted in favor of independence during the independence referendum held in Scotland on 18 September 2014 in accordance with the Edinburgh Agreement signed between the United Kingdom and Scotland on 15 October 2012. Voter turnout was 85 percent.

The result of the referendum explicitly and decisively reflects the will of the
Scottish people to maintain the union. We appreciate the fact that the
referendum was held on a healthy basis as a result of a productive,
long-running, transparent and comprehensive discussion.

As it always has been, we will continue our efforts to further develop our relations with our strategic partner United Kingdom and its constituent countries that are already progressing within a positive agenda in every area.