Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attack in Somalia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 09.09.2014

No: 289, 9 September 2014

We strongly condemn the terrorist attack perpetrated on 8 September near Mogadishu which aimed at the African Union Peacekeeping Force (AMISOM) and Somali government officials and resulted in the death of 16 Somali civilians. We wish God's mercy upon those who lost their lives, wish condolences to their families, and hope for a speedy recovery to the wounded AMISOM soldiers and Somali civilians.

This atrocious act of terror shows that the Al-Shabab threat continues in the country despite the blows it has received recently. In this critical period, the increased support of the international community to the Somali Government has great importance.

Turkey will continue to support the people of Somalia and the efforts of the Somali Government targeting to ensure peace and stability throughout the country.