Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks Perpetrated in Ghazni Province of Afghanistan

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 04.09.2014

No: 284, 04 September 2014

We condemn the heinous terrorist attack perpetrated this morning (4 September) against government buildings in Ghazni Province of Afghanistan and resulting in the death of approximately 20 security force members and injury of 150 people. We wish God’s mercy upon those who lost their lives, convey our condolences to their relatives and wish speedy recovery to the wounded.

Despite the threat of terrorism, the people of Afghanistan went to the polls for the Presidential elections on 5 April and 14 June 2014 and demonstrated their faith in democracy. We believe that the acts such as the terrorist attack perpetrated today cannot erode this faith. Turkey will continue to be in solidarity with the brotherly people of Afghanistan in this difficult period.