Press Release Regarding the New Developments in Yemen

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 30.08.2014

No: 280, 30 August 2014

Turkey welcomes the significant progress attained at the ongoing political transition process in Yemen in accordance with the agreement reached between the government and the opposition with a view to meeting the legitimate demands of the people in 2011.

However, some acts witnessed in recent days which are incompatible with the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference cause concern as they may lead to further deterioration of the political instability and the security situation.

In this context, Turkey calls once again on all the political groups and parties in Yemen to refrain from violence, to act with common sense and to avoid harming the political transition process. Furthermore, Turkey welcomes the Presidential Statement made by the United Nations Security Council on 29 August 2014.

The successful completion of the political transition is important for ensuring stability, prosperity and security in Yemen. Turkey will continue to strongly support the Yemeni government’s steps in this direction and will maintain its solidarity with the brotherly people of Yemen in every field.