Press Release Regarding the Agreement Reached between Israel and Palestine on Declaring Unlimited Ceasefire in Gaza

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 27.08.2014

No: 278, 27 August 2014

We welcome the agreement reached between Israel and Palestine on the announcement of an unlimited ceasefire in Gaza. We consider the opening of the crossings between Israel and Gaza for the entry of the necessary equipment for Gaza’s reconstruction and urgent humanitarian needs during the ceasefire, as a beginning for the abolishment of all restrictions on the entry of goods and people to Gaza.

The Ceasefire is a significant step toward ending the violence and restoring of lasting calm in the region. In the forthcoming period, it is important that the ceasefire is respected and all pending issues are resolved during the negotiations between the parties. We hope that the parties will show the necessary political will toward this end.

The lasting calm to be established in the region will constitute the suitable ground for the efforts toward a just, comprehensive and permanent settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With this understanding, Turkey will resolutely continue with its efforts in the forthcoming period toward the establishment of a sustainable ceasefire which will meet the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people.