Press Release Regarding the News in German Press on the activities of the Federal Intelligence Agency

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 18.08.2014

No: 270, 18 August 2014

The allegations in the German press on 16 August 2014 regarding the activities of the Federal Intelligence Agency on Turkey are worrying.

If there is even a small grain of truth in the allegations in question, then a grave situation would appear that requires explanation on the part of Germany. In an environment where mutual trust and respect should form the basis between friends and allies, such practices cannot be accepted under any circumstances.

It should also be known that this practice, which is at variance with the historically deep rooted relations of friendship and alliance between Turkey and Germany, would damage our joint struggle against the real challenges threatening international security and stability.

It is expected that the German authorities will present an official and satisfactory explanation regarding the allegations in the German press and if these allegations prove to be true, put an end to these activities immediately. Our views and expectations about this issue have also been strongly emphasized to the German Ambassador who was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.