Press Release Regarding the Increasing Acts of Violence in Yemen

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.08.2014

No: 269, 13 August 2014

We are following with concern the increasing incidents of violence in Yemen. We also condemn abduction and killing of 14 soldiers in the city of Seiyounof Hadramout province, in southern Yemen on 8 August.

We wish that these attacks targeting the peace and prosperity of the people of Yemen as well as the political transition in the country to cease and we believe that the fragile security issue in the country should be resolved through peaceful dialogue and within the framework of the reconciliation reached at theNational DialogueConference.

On this occasion, we reiterate our support to the political transition process in Yemen and call upon all parties in the country to maintain the strong steps taken towards national reconciliation and act together against returning the cycle of violence.

Turkey will continue to support the steps towards ensuring stability and security in brotherly and friendly Yemen.