Press Release Regarding the Declaration of Ceasefire in Gaza for 72 Hours

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 05.08.2014

No: 262, 5 August 2014

We welcome the announcement of a 72-hour ceasefire in Gaza as of 08.00 at local time today, as a result of the constructive attitude of the Palestinian delegation during the negotiations in Cairo for the reestablishment of the previously interrupted ceasefire in Gaza.

We call on Israel to stop all its operations against Gaza and the parties to avoid provocative steps that may break the ceasefire during this period. We wish that the calm to be prevailed during this critical process will prepare the necessary ground for comprehensive negotiations toward the establishment of a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza.

It should be realized by now that a sustainable ceasefire in the region can only be achieved by lifting the restrictions on Gaza.Turkey will continue to work in close cooperation and coordination with its international partners for the establishment of a sustainable ceasefire.