Press Release Regarding the Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 24.07.2014

No: 251, 24 July 2014

We welcome the organization of a special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council yesterday (23 July) as a result of our appeals and initiatives in the international arena to stop the sea, land and air operations conducted by Israel against Gaza, resulting in the massacre of hundreds of innocent Palestinians, a great number of whom are women and children, and the injury of thousands more.

We attach importance to the establishment of an independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, in the context of the military operations conducted since 13 June 2014, in accordance with the resolution co-sponsored by Turkey and adopted in the special session of the Human Rights Council. We expect that the said commission will be established as soon as possible and carries out its mission without encountering any obstacles in the region and share its findings with the Council.

Turkey, having historical and moral ties with Palestine and the Palestinian people, will continue to stand by its Palestinian brothers in their just cause and support Palestine with all its means.