Press Release Regarding the Operation Initiated by Israel against Gaza

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 08.07.2014

No: 235, 8 July 2014

The military operation Israel initiated against Gaza will cause a justified indignation against Israel, further to causing more suffering to the innocent people of Gaza, who try to sustain their lives in difficult circumstances under the blockade for many years.

We call on Israel to put an immediate end to its attacks carried on as a method of collective punishment against Gaza and also call on the international community, including the United Nations first and foremost, to expeditiously intervene and to warn against and urge for the cessation of these attacks.

In this extremely sensitive environment caused by the recently escalated tension in the Palestinian territories, it is important for all the parties to act in restraint and with common sense by taking lessons from past sufferings in order to avoid a new spiral of violence.