Press Release Regarding Turkey's Participation in the 23rd African Union Summit

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.06.2014

No: 211, 26 June 2014

Turkey will participate in the 23rd Summit of the African Union to be held on 26-27 June 2014 in Malabo, the Capital of Equatorial Guinea, with a delegation led by H.E. Mr. Mehdi Eker, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Minister Eker will have various contacts and hold talks in the margins of the Summit, which will convene under the theme "The Year of Agriculture and Food Security".

The African Union is an important international organization including all countries of the continent and where issues regarding all Africans are addressed directly and at the highest level. Turkey participates as an observer in African Union Summit meetings, which are held biannually under different themes. These meetings provide an opportunity to follow African issues closely and to proceed with our exchange of views with leaders of African countries on bilateral and multilateral matters.