Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to a question regarding the listing of Al-Nusrah Front on the Sanctions List pursuant to UN Resolution 1267 and the process regarding its transposition into our legislation within the framework of the Law on the Prevention of the Financing of Terrorism

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 18.06.2014

QA-16, 18 June 2014

The United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committee responsible for preparing the list of Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities added the Al-Nusrah Front to its list of of aliases for Al Qaida in Iraq for the first time on 30 May 2013, under the following names : "Jabhat al Nusrah, Jabhet al-Nusra, Al-Nusrah Front, The Victory Front, Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant’’.

This amendment by the UNSC was transposed into our legislation through the Council of Ministers’ Decree dated 30 September 2013 within the framework of the Law no. 6415 on the Prevention of the Financing of Terrorism. The aforementioned Council of Ministers Decree entered into force after its publication in the Official Gazette on 10 October 2013 and as of that date, the Al-Nusrah Front is part of the list of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze regarding the assets that they possessed in Turkey.

The Sanctions Committee of UNSC decided, on 14 May 2014, to remove the Al-Nusrah Front from the section of the Sanctions List regarding Al-Qaida in Iraq and listed it as an independent entity under the name of ‘’Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant’’. ‘‘The Victory Front Jabhat al Nusrah, Jabhet al-Nusra, Al-Nusrah Front, Al-Nusra Front’’ are among the other names that the entity uses.

In parallel with the updating done by the UNSC Sanctions Committee, Al-Nusrah Front was also listed as an independent entity under the name “Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant’’ by the Council of Ministers’ Decree of 21 May 2014, within the scope of our legislation concerning the prevention of the financing of terrorism. The Council of Ministers’ Decree in question entered into force after its publication in the Official Gazette on 3 June 2014. Therefore, Al-Nusrah Front is now listed as an independent entity within the framework of our legislation.

Lastly, the UNSC Sanctions Committee wrote off the names ‘‘Jabhat al Nusrah, Jabhet al-Nusra, Al-Nusrah Front, The Victory Front’’ from the section of the aliases for Al-Qaida in Iraq through a decision taken on 2 June 2014. As a matter of fact, the Council of Ministers' Decree dated 16 June 2014 is simply the transposition of this update made by the Sanctions Committee to our legislation.